Andy and Fran Visit a Swing Club
10 October 2010, 7:28 pm | Posted by: admin
Andy had been trying to get his wife to break out of the box for years, to do something risque and become a real risk taker in the bedroom. Fran just wasn’t sure about it though, she never liked to do “strange” things in the bedroom and she was pretty sure that swinging classified things as strange. Andy didn’t give in though and when a swing club opened up down town and just a few minutes from their house he tried again. Telling Fran that if she didn’t like it they coul djust turn around and walk right back out he finally got her to agree to at least walk in and take a look around.
When they walked in to the doors of the swing club Fran took hold of Andy’s hand and told him she really wasn’t comfortable. He took her hand and begged her to just take a look inside so she obediently followed him through the lobby and in to one of the rooms. There were three couches that surrounded a big mattress on the floor. Franny looked on in surprise as couples were spread out on the couches and the mattress teasing each other like there were no rules at all!
See more secret footage at Swing Club Hunters!
Category: Group sex
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